Experiential Learning Activities Outside the Classroom

Kindergarten Activity Grant

The Education Bureau released an updated “Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide” in February 2017, reiterating “child-centredness” as the core value of kindergarten curriculum, promoting learning through play and setting out major curriculum aims, which include fostering children a balanced development in the domains of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics, as well as helping children develop a strong and healthy body while upholding positive values and attitudes. 


To further encourage kindergartens to organize more experiential learning activities outside the classroom, the Education Bureau provides Scheme-KGs with an annual recurrent “Kindergarten Activity Grant” ( “Grant”)  each academic year. That allows schools to arrange more interesting and educationally meaningful outings for students. The annual plans and reports for the program can be found on the bureau’s website.


>>Click here to read Kindergarten Activity Grant Deployment Plan 2024-2025 School Year for our school<<



**Click the picture to read Kindergarten Activity Grant Deployment Report 2023-2024 School Year for our school**